Monday, June 8, 2009

here is what i will do,

Education: I will decrease tuition by 10% so that parents don't have to pay so much just to get into school.

Employment: I will provide more jobs so that more people will be employed and more people's needs can be delt with.

Environment: I will try to get people to ride bikes to work so that they don't always have to use the seatrain to get to work which will cause less polution. And make a law saying that they can only use the seatrain if it is really necessary like if they live really far from their work then I think it is fair that the take the seatrain. But if they live like 2 or 3 blocks away I think they can bike or wal;m to work.

Essential services:(please look at my blog for ESSENTIAL SERVICES).

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


If you vote for me i will get a motorcycle ambulance so that when there is an accident the motorcycle Ambulance can get there quick to help out. And if there is traffic the motorcycle ambulance can go down the middle of the road to get to the injured people. I think if there was a motorcycle ambulance alot more people could be helped. If you agree with me then vote for me on June 9,2009.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009